– Tony Romo took time off from Carrie Underwood to get with Jessica Simpson [The Blemish]
– Jennifer Aniston is the new spokesperson for smart water [PopSugar]
– Kate Moss and Pete Doherty dress alike [Agent Bedhead]
– Artist Damien Hirst covered an 18th century skull in over $8,000 diamonds at a cost of $28 million. The work is going on sale for $100 million [DListed]
– Women mud wrestling to promote the Xena DVD release (site NSFW) [Drunken Stepfather]
– Courteney Cox says she’s open to plastic surgery, but her husband dissaproves. When I tell my husband I’m getting a face lift in a couple of decades he says no, too. Just wait. [I’m Not Obsessed]
– Keri Russell in Interview Magazine [The Grumpiest]
– Britney Spears’ huge pimple [Bastardly]
– Hilary Swank on the Today Show [ICYDK]
– Denise Richards’ kids look miserable [Evil Beet]
– Vanessa Williams’ pooch was dognapped! [Rhymes with Snitch]
– Donald Trump’s scary steaks [Gallery of the Absurd]
– Nicky Hilton pretends to defend Paris [yeeeah]
– Jessica Alba says men were more interested in her when she was a blonde [Hollywood Rag]
– Diesel store opening featuring Greasy Bear, Calum Best, and Kim Kardashian [Crazy Days and Nights]
– Calum Best is due to take a paternity test for a five month old baby that a woman claims is his [CelebWarship]
– Rihanna says she doesn’t understand why people keep harping on her non-relationship with Jigga [Bossip]
– “Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix” will be released two days early, July 11 [Glitterati]
– Matthew McConaughey embarrasses his girlfriend [CityRag]
– Christina Aguilera is pregnant, I’m telling you [The Skinny Website]
– Jack Black helped a guy propose to his girlfriend [Gabsmash]
– Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is really Julian Lennon’s friend from school that he made a drawing of that impressed his dad, John. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]