Love & Hip Hop Recap 12/26/16: Season 7 Episode 7 Secrets Out

Posted by Valentine Belue on Sunday, May 26, 2024

Love & Hip Hop Recap 12/26/16: Season 7 Episode 7 "Secret's Out"

Tonight on VH1’s hit series Love & Hip Hop airs with an all-new Monday, December 26, 2016, season 7 episode 7 and we have your Love & Hip Hop recap below for you.  On tonight’s Love & Hip Hop season 7 episode 7 as per the VH1 synopsis, “Bianca Bonnie seeks revenge on MariahLynn; Drewski tries to win Sky Landish’s heart; Mendeecees intervenes in Yandy Smith-Harris and Erika DeShazo’s feud; and Rich Dollaz tells Self about Cisco Rosado. Later, Yandy makes an announcement that changes everything.

Tonight’s episode of Love & Hip Hop will be packed full of drama that you won’t want miss. Don’t forget to bookmark this spot and head over for our Love & Hip Hop recap tonight at 8PM – 9PM ET! While you wait for our recap of Love & Hip Hop, don’t forget to check out all our L&HHH recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Love & Hip Hop recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

On this week’s episode of Love and Hip Hop New York, the fight between Yandy and Erika continues. Erika is not happy to see Neffa sitting there with Yandy either. Yandy tells her “I guess you got my note. You came up there real mad. I don’t have a problem with you or your son, but I won’t allow you to disrespect my husband or my family.” Erika tells Yandy “If you didn’t have a problem with me then you wouldn’t have changed the locks on an apartment that has my name on it. Legally that is my apartment.” The Yandy tells her “Legally I have the right to change the locks because my name is on the lease.” The argument rages on. Finally, Yandy tells her “You have been evicted from the apartment and now you can get out of here.” Erika tells her “I will have the locks changed by the end of the day.”

Rich is showing Ashley around his restaurant for her internship. Cisco shows up to talk to him about what is going on with him. Cisco tells him “I talked to Mariah Lynn and tried to make amends with her after the whole deal with me using her to get back at you.” Cisco also tells Rich “I also talked to her about us possibly working together.” Rich is not happy to hear this. Rich tells Cisco “You know that Self is working with her. He has been her sole supporter from day one.” Cisco says “Why can’t we both work with her?” Rich tells him “Cisco you moving funny. This whole thing is moving funny.”

Bianca shows up at Drewski’s radio station to confront him about the situation with Sky. She tells him “You need to check your girl. She showed up at my place of business throwing bread at me and acting a fool.” Drewski loses it and tells Bianca “You have put my relationship in danger by showing up in a hotel room half naked and kissing me on my mouth. I can’t even be friends with you because you have no respect for me or my relationship with my girl.” Bianca fires back and tells him “I do have respect for you.” He tells her “No you don’t. The record is done and so are we.” Bianca is really hurt, but she tells him “Fine, just make sure you have my records in rotation to play.” Drewski tells her “Don’t tell me what to play at my station.”

Rich and Self meet up at Space Billiards for a little pool and conversation. Rich tells Self about his meeting with Cisco and how he wants to work with Mariah. Self says, “I need to call Mariah and find out what’s going on.” Rich says “Cisco is wrong on this one.” Self says, “Cisco is a cornball.”

Mariah Lynn has invited Cisco down to her rehearsal for her latest show. Cisco asks her “What happened with Self and all of that?” Mariah tells him “I don’t want to lock myself into a long-term deal right now.” Cisco tells her “If Self is handling your business he is not doing a good job. I can help you. You shouldn’t be paying for your own videos, stylists or anything like that.” Mariah seems to like what she hears from Cisco and invites him to her performance. Cisco tells her that he’ll try to make it and the two shake hands.

Erika is in the car when she receives a call from Mendeces. He is very angry at her. Erika tells him “Yandy illegally changed the locks on the apartment with our names on the lease.” Mendeces tells her “I gave her Power of Attorney so she can change the locks if she wants.” Erika also tells Mendeces about the names that both she and her son have been called by Yandy. Mendecees tells her “The disrespect has to stop because all it does is separate the kids.” Erika says “I’m done. I don’t even want to listen to you anymore.”

Self is still upset about Cisco trying to move in on Mariah Lynn and decides to pay him back by canceling the interview he has scheduled at Power 105. Self says “Guess what? This is my house.”

Drewski is waiting for Sky at the Art Factory with a bouquet of beautiful roses. Drew apologizes to Sky for the mess with Bianca and he tells her “I realize that you are the most important thing to me.” He then asks her to move in with him. Sky is a bit apprehensive about it, but she eventually agrees.

The night of Mariah Lynn’s performance arrives and everyone is there including Cisco who is determined to steal Mariah away from Self after learning that he was the reason that his interview at Hot 105 was canceled. While Mariah is performing Bianca shows up. At first, Mariah is happy to see her. Mariah asks her “What’s good? Speak your mind?” Bianca tells her “I was wondering how Sky knew to come to my hotel room when Drewski was there.” Mariah tells her “I am your friend, but I am also building a bond with Sky.” Bianca asks her “Did you tell her?” Mariah says “That’s her man Bianca and what you were doing was wrong.” Bianca asks her question again and Mariah says “Yes I told Sky where to find her man.” Bianca gets super angry and takes off on Mariah throwing a drink at her. She tells her “You were supposed to be my friend. How dare you go behind my back.” Bianca has to be escorted out by security. Bianca says “I’m over Mariah Lynn. I just hope I quenched her thirst after I threw a couple drinks on her.”

The drama continues when Self shows up and he and Cisco come face to face. Self-asks him “Where did you become a habitual line crosser? Rich told me that you were trying to sign Mariah Lynn.” Cisco tells him “Maybe I was trying to help you.” Self-tells him “I don’t need your help. You can’t even get into the radio station without me.” Mariah Lynn wanders over and tries to figure out what’s going on. Cisco confronts about the things that she told him and she gets angry. She tells Cisco “Self spun my first record and has supported me from day one. I never said that I didn’t want to sign with him.” Cisco gets even more heated and tells her “You go ahead and sign with him and you two can sell records out of the trunk of his car.” Self-speaks up and tells Cisco “You’re out of the creep squad. I’m the new leader of the creep squad.” Cisco lunges at Self and has to be hauled out by security.

Yandy and Kimbella meet up with her friend Juju to talk. Yandy tells them all about the drama that has been happening with the Erika and Sabrina. She tells them about changing the locks at Erika’s apartment. Juju says “That’s your husband, you have power of attorney you can do anything you want to do.” Yandy says “There is so much more to this union with Mendecees.” Both ladies look shocked. Yandy says “I was told not to sign the Power of Attorney because I could be held legally responsible for his restitution.” Kimbella asks “Does this mean that you and Mendecees are not legally married?” Yandy says “I entered into a partnership with Mendecees, but not with Mendecees and the Government.”

