Jim Carrey was on Chelsea Lately last night to promote A Christmas Carol, which was the number one film this past weekend. It will probably continue to dominate the box office in coming weeks, so much so that Jim Carrey probably didn’t need to stop by and talk to Chelsea Handler. I think he probably agreed to do it because Chelsea and Jim’s girlfriend/partner Jenny McCarthy are very close friends, and Jim and Chelsea probably know each socially that way.
Anyway, Chelsea was trying to get Jim to talk smack about other celebrities, and he obliged in a tongue-in-cheek way. I think it’s pretty clear he’s just joking around, but I’m sure some people will be all “Jim Carrey said Angelina was a devil woman, I sar it on the telleyvision.”
Jim Carrey has blasted Tom Cruise and Angelina Jolie.
The ‘Christmas Carol’ star appeared on US chat show ‘Chelsea Lately’ stating he wanted to cut some celebrities down to size, branding them “spoiled brats”.
When host Chelsea Handler suggested he start with Tom Cruise, Jim replied: “Oh, set before me a meal – oh my God! A Christmas feast!”
He sarcastically added: “Tom Cruise – let me see – one of the hardest working people I’ve ever seen and, like, a total gentleman and a–hole. What a jerk!”
He was much keener on Chelsea’s next suggestion, Brad Pitt, however.
Jim, 47, jokingly said: “Well you really can’t say anything about Brad Pitt.”
[Then Chelsea says, “Okay, Angelina Jolie!”]
Jim: “Angelina Jolie? Oh yeah, so she’s the problem for sure, we’re ok with him, seriously, because he can do no wrong.”
Jim also said that despite appearing in ‘A Christmas Carol’ as central character Scrooge and the ghosts of Christmas past , present and future, he doesn’t have any paranormal connections himself.
Referring to his partner, model Jenny McCarthy, he added: “I don’t really have that connection. Jenny is very much more connected to the ghostly realm. She sees things every once in a while, she’ll yell, ‘There’s a naked wrinkled man in the bedroom, I think he might be dead and looking for the other side’.”
‘A Christmas Carol’ is in cinemas now.
[From Contact Music]
Okay, I totally couldn’t concentrate on what Jim was talking about because I was so overcome with his lovely beard. Is it just me, or is Jim Carrey really sexy with facial hair? When he’s clean-shaven, I feel nothing for him, not attraction or revulsion. But give that man a beard, and I need to cross my legs. I’m weird, I know. But he’s looking really good to me. Swoon!
Here’s Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy at the London premiere of ‘A Christmas Carol’ held at Leicester Square on November 3, 2009. Credit: WENN.