I do agree with many of the posters here that Sammartino's style doesn't translate well into the 21st century, and yes, booker is more exciting to watch, but it doesn't change the fact that Sammartino still gets the nod here. Most of you here are probably aware that during Bruno's 2nd title reign, he recieved a broken neck at the hands of Stan Hansen when Hansen dropped him on his head attempting to execute a bodyslam. Now I know this probably means nothing to a lot of people, but Sammartino was back in the ring 8 weeks later after this accident for a rematch with Hansen, and he beat the fucking shit out of him to hold on to the strap. Not some scrub, Stan Hansen. I honestly can't see how Booker T, in spite of having the more visually appealling style gets by Bruno, who by any example I ever saw would have been too tough to get knocked out by some scissor kick to the head. sorry folks, Bruno wins this one.