Does Jennifer Aniston hate Justin Therouxs nose & want him to get a nose job?

Posted by Valentine Belue on Wednesday, May 22, 2024

After reading this story, I became obsessed with finding photos of Justin Theroux’s profile. I want to examine his nose!! So that’s why I’m using so many profile shots and closeups – I needed to examine his perfectly normal and uncontroversial nose. I’d never really examined it before, for some strange reason, because ordinarily, I do have a thing for an interesting nose and a great profile. Justin’s nose had never struck me as noteworthy – good or bad – before now. But according to The Enquirer, Justin’s nose has been bugging Jennifer Aniston for a while, and she gently hinted to him that he might want to take care of nose business.

Jennifer Aniston nearly sparked WWIII when she suggested that Justin Theroux get a nose job to pretty himself up for their wedding day.

“It turned into a huge fight with Justin accusing Jen of comparing him to her ‘oh-so-perfect’ ex-husband Brad Pitt,” revealed a friend. “Jen immediately defended herself, saying she was just trying to help fix Justin’s noisy snoring and she wasn’t making a dig at his craggy features. Justin is by no means the vain type, but he’s aware that his nose is larger and longer than it was in his 20s, and Jen definitely touched a nerve.”

Jennifer was simply hinting that Justin follow her lead and get his nose reshaped and refined, said the source. Jen had her first rhinoplasty in 1995, followed by a fine-tuning in January 2007 to correct a deviated septum.

In the end, the source says Jen told Justin not to worry about it – that she thinks he’s hot just the way he is. Jen loves Justin deeply and hates that she offended him… while she may secretly wish that he get his nose fixed, she still can’t wait to marry him.”

[From The Enquirer, print edition]

I really don’t get it – Justin’s nose looks fine to me. It’s a bit longer than “average,” but I get tired of actors and actresses having the same cookie-cutter noses. Justin’s nose has character, and I believe that it’s his own (because why would he get a plastic surgeon to carve that?). Now, if it’s really a snoring issue, sure. Maybe he should fix it, or maybe he should get Breathe Right strips or whatever. I just don’t get why Ms. Deviated Septum is trying to further Ken-Doll-up her dude.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
